Why Are Drugs Laced With Fentanyl?

opioid overdose deaths

Addiction, even recreational and somewhat controlled drug use, has been a concern among the loved ones of those partaking in using the substances for as long as the concept has been recognized. Today, things are only getting more worrisome. Everywhere across the United States, there has been a rise in the presence of drugs laced with fentanyl and drugs cut with fentanyl. This has led to both users and their loved ones alike becoming more concerned with their well-being, but why is this happening?

Better Addiction Care is a provider of free resources that hope to help those in need find national drug abuse treatment centers, programs, and meetings across the country. Below we present our findings about the recent epidemic of fentanyl. Here you will learn why drugs laced with fentanyl are on the rise and the potential dangers that come with being drugged with fentanyl against your knowledge.


Reasons That Drugs Mixed With Fentanyl Are on the Rise

We are examining something that originates from a human source and is causing damage to people unknowingly. To make the picture clearer and perhaps provide insights into the man-made epidemic, it is important to ask why it is being done. Drugs laced with fentanyl come in many forms. This can be in cocaine, heroin, crushed prescription drugs, and more, but the lacing isn’t random. Rather, it was deliberately included in the mixture even though it can lead to a dangerous result.

Drug dealers and narcotic producers have begun lacing drugs with fentanyl for one motive. They are squeezing more money out of desperate addicts who are suffering from the disease of dependence. Most drugs laced with fentanyl are more expensive to procure than the fentanyl they are lacing them with. This leads to a greedy and destructive way to cut costs. But why is fentanyl mixing with other drugs so dangerous to users and addicts who are consuming the contaminated substances?


The Dangers of Fentanyl Lacing

The reasons behind the horrible and dangerous method of mixing drugs with potentially dangerous lacing agents are concerning. However, this is not as concerning as the very real and calculable dangers of fentanyl consumption when the user is not aware of its presence. Someone who used a substance laced with the drug could face any one of the following issues after consumption of fentanyl mixed with other drugs:

  • Difficulty breathing, which can include breathing that is slower, more erratic, or in very serious cases, has stopped completely
  • Dizziness
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Vomiting
  • Making sounds that resemble choking or gurgling while breathing
  • A weak pulse, or one that feels faster or slower than usual
  • An appearance that appears to be limp or lifeless
  • Blue lips and fingernails
  • Cold and clammy skin

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it is important to be responsible. Call 911 to get in contact with emergency services such as police and paramedics as soon as possible, as they can help in the case of a possible overdose. It is unfortunate to analyze the situation and realize that the problems resulting from drugs laced with fentanyl are here to stay. One solution to the problem can be found by enrolling in a personalized program at an addiction treatment center near you. 


Find the Drug Addiction Treatment You Need Today

If you are concerned about the issues stemming from drugs laced with fentanyl for yourself or a user you know, or if you simply want to kick the habit for countless other reasons, then be sure to take action and find a team that can help near you.

The team at Better Addiction Care can help get you there by providing free online resources. These are solely designed to help get sufferers of drug abuse the help they need. Use our free online national directory of drug and alcohol abuse treatment facilities to find a center that can be the home of your recovery today.

Are you interested in learning more about addiction and its treatment of it before taking the next step toward recovery? Feel free to take a look at some of the other articles on our addiction treatment blog. Get insight from experts who have years of experience in connecting addicts to treatment programs.

If you have any questions related to your recovery, potential treatment options near you, or how our free resources can help you on your path toward sobriety, then give our team a call and ask the experts directly.


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