Why and How Drugs are Illegal

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It is no secret that many of the commonly abused drugs used by people in the United States are not only unhealthy and capable of destroying lives. They are also illegal in the country. But there are many different reasons why drugs are illegal. Narcotics are now being identified differently by the government in relation to the severity attributed to their presence.

In this quick guide, you will learn from the experts at Better Addiction Care why drugs are illegal and what types of illegal drugs there are. Our team is dedicated to providing free resources to addicts who are in search of recovery programs and inspiration. One such resource we provide is insight into drug addiction treatment and information regarding the substances that are commonly abused by sufferers of drug abuse.

Using our years of experience, we are dedicated to sharing information that may not be as commonly known as some would believe.


Why Are Drugs Illegal?

Not all drugs are illegal. There is an extensive list of drugs that someone can buy at their local pharmacy or convenience store. These drugs are deemed fit for use by people of different ages, backgrounds, and conditions. There is also an illegal drug list that rivals the former in size. The reasoning behind this comes from a vast array of different origins and reasonings.

In some cases, drugs are illegal because they are too high of a risk for addiction or for underage use.

There are also instances where certain drugs are illegal due to the contribution they can give to organizations that are often described as “narco-terrorist” networks. Think of the Taliban heroin trade and the Mexican cartels that ravage communities all across their respective nations and regions. Some organizations are fueled by money, whereas others are fueled by a want for funds to commit greater acts of terrorism. Whatever the cause may be, their main sources of revenue come from profits made off of the suffering and addictions formed by people all across the United States and beyond.

Depending on their severity and chances for lethality, or the other reasons mentioned earlier on, the United States classifies different substances into groups. Some drugs that are illegal are considered a higher risk to communities, while others are considered a risk to individuals. 


The Comprehensive List of Illegal Drugs

Establishing that certain narcotics are illegal and others are not doesn’t mean that the others deemed legal by governments are not also harmful. Many legal substances can be a driving factor behind addiction. As an example, consider alcoholism or the current opioid crisis that rocks that nation today. The different ways that drugs are illegal in the United States can be hard to pinpoint if the concept is new to you. This quick breakdown should make the current situation clearer:

  • Schedule V: These are considered the lowest possible schedule ranking of the illegality of narcotics. Jail time can range from a few months to two years in prison. Examples include Lomotil, Lyrica, and cough medicines of less than 200 milligrams of codeine.
  • Schedule IV: Substances that are schedule IV drugs are considered by the government to have a low level of possibility for abuse and dependence, though it is still very possible. Examples include Xanax, Valium, and Ambien.
  • Schedule III: Once a substance is considered to be at this level, the risk for dependence is considered moderate. These are commonly abused drugs such as ketamine, anabolic steroids, and products containing less than 90 milligrams of codeine per dose unit.
  • Schedule II: This category of drug is where the risk for addiction can be much higher than it is with other narcotics. Some common examples in this category, which contain both illegal and legal substances, are cocaine, Oxycodone, Fentanyl, and Adderall.
  • Schedule I: The highest category is Schedule I. Prison sentences can be longer as these substances are considered to have a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are substances such as heroin, marijuana, LSD, MDMA, and other commonly abused drugs. The level of abuse for these substances is high and is some of the most common that people become addicted to.

Whether or not drugs are illegal or commonly accepted, there is the risk of addiction for those who buy illegal drugs, as well as many legalized substances. To avoid a descent into a life of addiction, you need to rely on the providers of rehabilitation treatment in your area. Finding these treatment centers can be difficult. That is why the team at Better Addiction Care is here to help connect you with a perfect center near you.


Free Resources for Finding National Drug Abuse Treatment

If you are suffering from substance abuse of any kind, whether to illegal or addictive drugs, then be sure to find the premier services for your specific situation. Do this by using our national directory of drug and alcohol abuse treatment facilities. Our team has helped countless others in the past through the use of our free online directory.

We have also provided insights through our addiction treatment blog. On this blog, you will find regularly uploaded and updated insights into all things related to substance abuse and its treatment.

If you are interested in learning more about our resources and how they can be of help on your treatment journey, then be sure to call our team. Speak with us to get further information directly from our professionals.


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