Making Sober Friends and Changes

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Anyone who has come out of a battle with alcoholism or substance abuse and has won knows that one of the easiest traps to fall into is to continue being around the same social groups they were around before while they were still using. It can be difficult to find sober friends, especially if it is related to alcohol and leaving the old friends behind along with your addiction, but once you’ve made them, you will find that sober socializing is every bit as fun and stimulating as those around users.

Better Addiction Care is a team dedicated to providing free online resources for addicts seeking treatment and encouragement to get better. This guide will help you learn how to meet sober friends and how to get the most out of your new sober social network. Addiction can be a tough battle to tackle, especially alone. Having a few more people around you who are battling the same problems is sure to remind you of why you decided to change for the better.


How to Make Sober Friends

Learning how and where to meet sober friends is often the most difficult hurdle that former users will need to tackle. Still, thanks to the advent of such things as the internet and social media platforms, it is easier than ever before. Through online forums, blogs, and posted sober retreats and events, you are now able to meet more people than you previously were able to. Many dating apps even have filters for people who abstain from alcohol and drugs. This means that you and your potential partner can both work to better each other together by keeping the other in line.

Some places aren’t specifically for sober meetups. Places that you can go to should provide the opportunity to live your life soberly without having to abstain from other activities you still love. Many places with a health focus, such as gyms and rock-climbing locations, tend to have more sober people than others, and you’re sure to make sober friends there! It’s all about putting yourself out there and being honest about your intentions and wants. If you stick to being sober, then you’re sure to make plenty of friends and learn how to meet sober people faster than ever. 


Planning Drug and Alcohol-Free Meetups

Now that you know how to meet sober people, it’s time to start considering what you and your new sober social groups will be doing while you’re spending time together. Making events fun as well as sober is not as difficult as society would have you believe. You and your sober friends could still participate in practically every activity you used to, excluding alcohol and drugs is the only stipulation. Another important advantage to being in recovery and having sober friends is the opportunity to keep each other in check and become a support system as well as a group of friends. The best of friends are the ones who look out for each other’s best interests. 

The first step in learning how to find sober friends is to be sober in the first place. That’s where our team can help. Our team can connect you to a national drug abuse treatment facility in your area as well as sober programs which encourage continued sobriety and commitment to a better life. With the help of these treatment teams and support groups, staying sober will be easier than ever, and you can spend more time planning outings with your group of sober friends and less time worrying about your addiction.


Find Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers Near You

If you have any questions regarding our substance abuse treatment resources and how they can help you improve your life, then feel free to reach out to our team and learn more directly from our experts. If you are interested in getting sober from an addiction to drugs or alcoholism, use our free online national directory of drug and alcohol abuse treatment facilities. With it, you can learn which location can serve as your home for sobriety. Our team also regularly offers articles like this one about addiction and its treatment. It can be read at your leisure whenever you need professional insight into the world of dependency.


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Author: blogadmin

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