Dangers of Alcoholic Wet Brain

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is also referred to as “wet brain.” Wet brain syndrome is inflicted by two interrelated conditions, which are Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff’s psychosis. The condition is a type of dementia or serious cognitive impairment. The condition can lead to a coma or death if not medically handled. There is no cure for the condition as of now, but medical professionals are able to reduce and slow down negative symptoms that affect the brain and body. 


The Cause and Stages of Alcoholic Wet Brain

The condition is caused by a deficiency of thiamine or Vitamin B1. Every tissue in the body demands thiamine to properly function. Since this vitamin does not occur naturally in the body, people must rely on healthy foods like asparagus, potatoes, oranges, kale, and cauliflower to obtain it. The vitamin is stored in the liver after consumption and benefits the mind and body in many ways. 

In the United States, the most common attribute of thiamine deficiency is chronic alcohol consumption. People who are heavy drinkers, or even binge drink, do not consistently eat nutritional foods to balance out the toxins that are going into the liver and other organs in the body. 

The first stage of wet brain involves encephalopathy, which refers to a disease that affects the structure or function of the brain. This often means that there is bleeding in the brain.


Wet brain symptoms from alcoholism include: 

  • Twitching
  • Poor reflexes 
  • Blurred vision
  • Drooping eyelids 
  • Short-memory impairment 
  • Uncontrollable eye movements 
  • Problems with mental or information processing


Many people may confuse the signs and behavior of this illness with being drunk, but other physical contributions include rapid weight loss and malnutrition. If a person does not receive alcohol addiction treatment and a medically monitored detox, then the second and final stage of the condition rapidly begins. 

The final stages of a wet brain from alcohol abuse begin to show during Korsakoff’s psychosis phase. The brain tissue is dramatically damaged and inflicts long-term health complications, which include false memories, hallucinations, aggression, and personality changes. The central nervous system and brain become disconnected and incorrect signals are processed throughout the body. Rapid heartbeat and other health concerns begin, and the body shows signs of shutting down. 


Wet Brain Life Expectancy 

There are people who have overcome the adverse and terrifying wet brain symptoms; however, the condition is often left untreated, leaving permanent damage to parts of the brain. The brain stem, cerebellum, and thalamus are negatively impacted and cause serious problems with memory. The condition is only reversible if the person is not far along in the first stage. Recognizing the signs of alcoholism and performing an alcohol intervention on someone close to you may save their life. 

Research reports that people who are hospitalized due to a wet brain from alcohol die twenty-four to twenty-eight years sooner compared to the general population. The condition is fatal, but the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome life expectancy depends on the person and the overall severity of their symptoms. 


Resources & Recovery at Better Addiction Care 

Don’t wait to receive the proper care you need to recover from alcoholism. Instead, work with professionals who can guide you through alcohol detox and overcome painful withdrawal symptoms. We understand that addiction is experienced differently by everyone, but don’t let it hinder you from experiencing your future to the fullest. We offer unique services and programs from many locations to ensure that we can provide you with the best treatment plan possible. 


Don’t wait. Speak to a specialist today at Better Addiction Care by calling 800-429-7690. Ask about our types of treatments to get started on your recovery journey now!


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Author: blogadmin

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