A Look into Mexico’s War on Drugs

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Violence in Mexico is often associated with one thing above all others – the rampant presence of cartels in the country and the subsequent Mexican war on drugs that was initiated to curb the problem. The violence caused by Mexico’s war on drugs has left many questions for both the people who call the country home and countries that are affected directly or indirectly by the conflicts.

Better Addiction Care is a provider of resources for addiction treatment seekers in the United States. We often investigate issues related to the world of substance abuse. Not surprisingly, substance abuse and this war are thoroughly linked to each other. In this article, our team will investigate the ongoing issues related to Mexico’s war on drugs and if a solution is possible at this stage of the conflict. 


The Extent of Mexican Cartel Violence

Mexico’s war on drugs is properly named. It has wreaked havoc upon a population through several avenues, such as violence, economic issues, and a national reputation for being unsafe. Money is at the root of the prevalence of cartel killings in Mexico as it proves itself to be the motivator for all aspects of the business, including violence. There are constant feuds between different cartels, their members, the police, and the military. The populace is forced to bear the brunt of the suffering as a result.

The Mexican government and its populace have now been engaged in this war for decades. They are forced to bear the heavy cross that comes from what could be described as the presence of terrorists in their country. But the issues are not rooted in Mexico. Mexico’s war on drugs, wars between different organizations, and most other forms of violence are directly linked to the addictions of their northern neighbor.

Substance abuse is at the root of international drug organizations, and many times it has been speculated just what a Mexico without these addictions would look like. This has led to many wondering if there is a solution that could be reached and an end to the violence that has plagued the country and its people for so long.


Could There Be an End to the Drugs War in Mexico?

With each new cartel in Mexico that is formed and with an increasing number of cartel killings, many have begun to wonder if it is even possible to end Mexico’s war on drugs in a way where the government and the people are spared the violence of the criminals. There have been many military maneuvers conducted and many different solutions proposed by members of the Mexican government. Even so, people are wondering if there is a way to put an end to the violence through a personal choice – becoming sober from drug addiction.

The fact of the matter is that cartels fill a service. That service is the production, transportation, and distribution of illicit drugs that are then consumed by people all over the world but particularly in the United States. What if addicts began to change their approach to life and opted to improve their own lives by becoming sober and leading happier, healthier, and more fulfilling experiences? Then they could be putting a dent into the well-oiled cartel machine.

It is a difficult task to undertake, but it is possible to change your life. You can become all the better for it and stop supporting these criminal terrorists. The thing stopping most people from getting the treatment they need is that they cannot find a drug addiction treatment team that can meet their individual needs. That’s where our team can step in to help. 


Find the Perfect National Drug Abuse Treatment in Your Area

Whether you wish to get sober and kick your addiction to narcotics as a way to stop supporting the people perpetuating Mexico’s war on drugs or you simply want to live a more fulfilling life as a healthier, happier person, finding the right national drug abuse treatment can be tough. Better Addiction Care knows this and has taken steps to make the process easier for those in need without having to spend any additional money to find solutions.

Our team offers expert insights from professionals in the field through our addiction treatment blog. We also present the options a sufferer has in their area through our free national directory of drug and alcohol abuse treatment facilities. Finding a place where you can get the help you need should not have to mean paying an arm and a leg. It can be done for free and online through the resources offered by our team.

If you have any questions about our services or how we can help, feel free to reach out to our team with any questions you may have.


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