What is Meth Mouth? | Resources at Better Addiction Care

opioid overdose deaths

What causes meth mouth? It’s defined by severe tooth decay due to the abuse of methamphetamine. When a meth addict takes the stimulant drug for an extended duration, they often begin to feel the repercussions. Methamphetamine is a prescribed drug that is used to treat ADHD and obesity; however, most people will use the street version, which is illegal and full of toxic substances. If a person shows physical symptoms and signs of abuse, then meth addiction treatment is urgently advised to avoid long-term health complications. 

What Does Meth Do to Your Teeth? 

After a few times smoking meth, which is the most common use of consumption, a user’s teeth will begin to stain a dark yellow. Over prolonged use, the discoloration will worsen, and the enamel which protects the teeth will begin to deteriorate. Due to the protection layer being gone, it leaves the teeth in a fragile state and vulnerable to the acidic toxins in the drug. 


The damaged teeth of meth users are often from inhaled smoke, and eventually, the yellow stain will turn brown or black. When the teeth rot, the gum line is destroyed and increases the chance of disease, an ordinarily seen effect of meth usage. Therefore, meth use and tooth decay go hand in hand and often leave no room for recovery in the mouth.

Why Does Meth Make Your Teeth Fall Out?

If you look up meth teeth images, you will not like what you see. Unfortunately, addicts experience many adverse physical effects that are painful and not pretty. There are multiple causes as to why addicts develop meth mouth, which includes: 


  • Bruxism: Clenching or grinding of teeth. 
  • Poor diet: Malnutrition due to loss of appetite or a craving for sugary foods. 
  • Xerostomia: Forming dry mouth, which results in reducing protective salvia around the teeth. 
  • Drug additives: The added chemicals or toxins that damage the teeth, such as battery acid or antifreeze. 


How long does it take to get meth mouth? Within one year of usage, users will develop oral hygiene issues that result in dry mouth, gum disease, swollen gums, and tooth decay. Meth mouth can be prevented if a person seeks medical detox after accepting addiction. Substance abuse disorder inflicts not only physical harm on the brain and body but also issues mental health disorders. If you or a loved one is struggling with meth teeth due to addiction, speak to a professional as soon as possible. 

Addiction Resources at Better Addiction Care 

We understand that meth addiction brings a negative impact on the life of the addict and on those surrounding the individual. We provide unique services from Christian substance abuse counseling to offering private addiction rehab centers. Meth causes numerous adverse side effects, and with the proper treatment, sobriety can be sustained, and a healthy lifestyle is made possible. 


Contact a specialist at Better Addiction Care by calling 800-429-7690 today. Learn how to overcome chemical dependency here!


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Negative Side Effects of Crystal Meth

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Author: blogadmin

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